
Archive for February, 2024

Wales puts entire UK food security at risk

Welsh farmers are protesting claiming that their government is not listening and will put their farms out of business and devastate their ability to produce food.

Why is such an important issue for the whole of the UK devolved? If Wales has its way the food security of the entire UK will be put at risk. Isn’t it time for the Westminster government to take action and deal with this idiocy?

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If menopause is so totally debilitating that women are incapable of doing their jobs then they should sign on sick

A business exists to provide either a product or a service to its customers. It also exists to generate a profit for its owners or shareholders. It employs people in order to facilitate those aims.

Slowly but surely businesses have been turned into socail engineering enterprises. The are told that instead of employing the best person for the job they have to employ minorities. They have to employ the disadvantaged. Now they are being told that they have to employ and change their working practices and schedules to cater for women who are too ill to work normally.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has said that menopoause symptoms with a long term and substantial effect on women’s day to day activities can be classed as a disability.

Maybe they are. Maybe they are just a part of life. What they should never be is a right to special treatment that disadvantages the company they work for and leaves the rest of the workforce to make up their lack of ability to do their job.

Employers are not social workers. They are not there to enable the disadvantaged or the sick. They are there to employ the people who can do the jobs that are needed to meet the aims of the company.

If women at certain times of their lives are unable to fulfill their contractual obligations then they are unamployable, not special cases that need to be carried by the rest of the workforce and their employers. If the menopause is so totally debilitating then they need to sign on sick and accept that they can no longer work.

Categories: Uncategorized

Raising the age of marriage and infantlising the population

The infantilisation of as much of the population as possible is moving on a pace. The definition of a child is reaching ever higher age limits as countries pander to UN definitions.

Instead of using existing laws to prevent the effective kidnapping and forced marriage of young people the UK government raised the age of marriage from 16 to 18, thus denying British young people the right to marry and start a new life. Instead they are now forced to live together without the protections of marriage. What a shambles.

Even worse, there are now calls to raise the age of marriage from 18 to 21. Can you hear the UN cheering? Won’t be long before it is 24!

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