
Archive for May, 2022

Hold onto your hats. The rush for windfall taxes is on.

Rishi Sunak has caved to demands by left wing parties and introduced a windfall tax on energy companies. The signs are that he will regret this because there are already calls for windfall taxes on other profitable industries to be used to fund failing government and council bodies.

Few organisations are more vile than children’s social services who snatch children from good homes and farm them out leaving them to suffer and die while their real parents can only look on, helpless in the face of authoritarian bureaucracy.

A windfall tax on the profits of private care providers is proposed to help fund reform of the “broken” commercial market for children’s residential care and fostering.

Yet again success is to be financially punished and failure funded and promoted providing it is part of the state sector.

How many more demands for windfall tax funding on the successful will be made remains to be seen, but it is doubtrul that this is the last of the demands now that failing state services have scented Tory weakness and money to be scavenged for free.

Going back to those energy prices, the Green levies that boost energy bills so much, along with VAT and other government taxes are still actively boosting household bills and will continue to do so. Green energy simply can not compete without them so hapless consumers are left to foot the bill whether they can afford it or not.

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Just say NO

Just say NO, but not in the way those who coined the phrase meant it.

The government’s independent adviser on tackling violence against women and girls seems to think that making what she calls “street harassment”, wolf whistling, catcalling, staring persistently or telling a stranger to smile should be made illegal and subject to ‘on-the-spot’ fines.

Destroying the normal interaction between young people is not going to prevent rape, violence or murder. It is going to exacerbate it by leaving no means of expressing sexual interest in others causing frustration and eventually, enmity.

Worse, it tells young women to be ashamed of their bodies. What is the point in dressing to attract if the desired attention is illegal?

Those young women who are honest will admit that when they hear a wolf whistle they walk taller, hold their heads higher, enter some harmless banter, and sometimes gain a boyfriend.

So Government, Out of our social lives! Deal with the actual crimes not crimes you are inventing because you have failed to prevent or successfully prosecute the real crimes and criminals out there.

Just say NO to government control.

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Probation – protection or proliferation of offences?

There is panic among the woke brigade. Military prisons are daring to let out those who have been convicted of sex offences and domestic abuse without any form of probation supervision or, shock! horror! any safeguards.

Strangely not one example of such recidivism was provided. Could it be that there are either none or so few that none could be found?

Perhaps it is time to review the practice of probation and compare the results of each style of punishment in this ready made experiment. Who knows, perhaps probation and monitoring are an expensive job creation scheme for social workers and maybe, just maybe, they make matters worse, not better.

Time for all of the authorities to provide us with the statistics that would tell us the answers.

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Police playing politics and protecting politicians

What a stunning surprise! Durham police have waited until after the elections to announce that they are investigating Sir Keir Starmer for possible breaches of the Covid regulations. How very convenient for Labour. Would it have affected the results? We will never know but the timing of the announcement implies that the police certainly thought that it would.

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Neil Parish should NOT have resigned. The women who snitched on him should be thrown out of Parliament

The mainstream media is falling over itself in the rush to condemn men in Parliament.

There are calls to ensure that at least 50% of MPs are women on the grounds that it will make Parliamnt a nicer and safer place to be. Really? Let’s think about what happened to Neil Parish, one of the best MPs you could find.

What did he do wrong? Take a look at any broadcast from Parliament TV and you will see MPs on their phones, flicking though whatever they are looking at, and certainly not paying attention to what is going on in their workplace. So clearly he did nothing unacceptable by using his phone.

Was it that he looked at a porn site? Perfectly legal. Millions of people watch porn on a daily basis. Nothing wrong there.

Perhaps it was looking at porn in work time? But he wasnt working. He was waiting to vote. Are we really going to control what peoplle watch? In which case, how about banning mobile phones and other electronic devices in Parliament? No? Then what did he do wrong? The answer is clear.

His big mistake was being seen by women with agendas. Had a man seen what was going on the most likely outcome would have been a quiet word in his ear: “Look Old Man, this simply won’t do. Lucky it was me who saw you. Better cut it out, OK?”. A bit of embarrassment and end of problem

But he was seen by a woman or two. Now the problem with many women is that they don’t have the confidence to deal with problems themselves. They are most likely to run to authority and demand protection and action. That is why it is such a disaster for the country as the numbers of women in Parliament rises. As their numbers grow so does the amount of draconian leglislation and attempts to control every aspect of our lives.

No, Neil Parish should not have resigned. Nor should any thinking person have demanded his resignation. We should, however, demand to know the names of the spiteful snitches who shopped him. They should be paraded across the media and held up for what they really are, Puritanical thought contollers who want to deny our humanity and who have forgotten that sex is how they came to exist.

They don’t need protecting, they are MPs. They should be standing up and admitting what they have done. Not cowering and hiding their identities. Some of us want to know so that we don’t inadvertently vote for them in future. Let us hope that some journalists are trawling through any recordings they can find to see who was near enough to Mr. Parish to have seen what he was looking at.

While the Tories are infighting Labour isn’t hesitating to pile in. Jess Phillips has claimed that he breached a little kown law and has bemoaned the fact that so many laws are not enforced. Do we really want any more people in prison just for being normal human beings who have breached illiberal laws? Heaven help us if these women gain control of Parliament.

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