
Archive for January, 2023

Should the NHS be allowed to snoop into loyalty card data?

A study published in the Journal JMR Public Health and Surveillance has found from tracking supermarket loyalty card data that women suffering from Ovarian cancer change their purchasing habits of pain and indigestion medication some 8 months before seeking medical help and getting a diagnosis.

Should the NHS be allowed to track what shoppers buy using loyalty-card data? As always, the potential benefits invite us to give up our privacy. Who could object to early cancer detection? But what if the inevitable incremental changes take place and before we know it we are being summoned to our GP to explain why we bought that bottle of whisky or pack of butter? Would you still support such surveillance after being given a lecture on proper eating habits and told that if you don’t comply you will be sent off for re-education?

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Zahawi 10 Starmer 0

Keir Starmer has attacked Rishi Sunak, claiming that he is too weak to sack Tory Chairman Nadhim Zahawi. What that really means is that Rishi Sunak is too strong to cave in to Mr. Starmer’s prosecution style attacks. Unfortunately Keir Starmer has brought his previous job as a prosecutor into his current job as leader of the opposition, which is illustrated by his continual snide comments.

Mr. Starmer has also claimed that anyone who seeks to avoid paying taxes should not be in charge of UK finances. Actually, someone who believes in the right of people to keep and spend their own money is exactly who should be in charge of the UK taxation scheme. Labour’s tax and squander policies should remain firmly in the past.

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Ready to become a non-person?

A new taskforce is being set up with the powers to block bank accounts, access to rented homes and driving licences. There will, we are told, be an appeal mechanism so that no-one is wrongly denied access to their cash.

Just how quickly will this appeals process work if access is denied on the Thursday afternoon before a long bank holiday weekend? How much will it cost?

The real reason this is being set up is to ensure government gets its hands on every last penny of tax money. It has nothing to do with preventing illegal immigrants from doing anything and everything to do with putting the mechanism in place to obtain total control over every person living in the UK.

Misbehave in any way, use the wrong pronoun, express the wrong opinion and Hey Presto! Your bank account is blocked. Your internet access gone. Your house is confiscated thanks to the vile Land Property Register. You are homeless. Penniless. Now how are you going to lodge that appeal? Now that you are officially a Non-Person?

A conspiracy theorist might ponder on the possibility of governments deliberately failing to deal with illegal immigration in order to be able to slide such controversial powers into place without complaints from a general public who don’t yet realise that all of this is going to bite them too.

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Police turn out in force for RSPCA while children stab and shoot each other with impunity

January 22, 2023 1 comment

When did our British Bobbies turn into Jack Booted Government Thugs (JBGTs) who don’t bother to investigate burglaries or car theft but turn out in force at the request of the RSPCA while children stab and shoot each other in the streets?

Do the people pictured here give you confidence that you will be safe in their hands? Bearing in mind the mistakes that are regularly made, how would you like to be woken up by this lot if they got the wrong address?

Why on earth do they need this degree of force for animal welfare violations? Guess we’d better remember to give the dog a bowl of water!

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The politics of envy from Oxfam

The spite and envy of ultra left wing groups like Oxfam is highlighted by their most recent comment:

 ” . . . the world should aim to halve the wealth and number of billionaires between now and 2030, both by increasing taxes on the top one percent and by adopting other billionaire-busting policies”.

They are backed by a group of soon to be ex-millionaires who claim to want to be taxed more. Did Oxfam actually tell them of its ultimate aim?

“The eventual aim should be to go further, and to abolish billionaires altogether, as part of a fairer, more rational distribution of the world’s wealth,”

Do the millionaires really believe that organisations like Oxfam will stop until they have leached every last penny from them?

If anyone wants to give government more money to squander they are free to sign over as much over and above their normal levels of taxation as they wish, just don’t try to force the rest of the world to give up their hard earned cash.

What happens when the wealth creators have been driven to penury? When there is no more money in the Billionaire or Millionare kitty? When the jobs and progress they have created disappear?

Well, the poor will still be with us, and the hunt for equality will have been won since we will all be equally hungry, poor and destitute.

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Was the silence of Rishi’s advisers a seat belt set up?

Now that Rishi Sunak has been issued a fixed penalty notice for failing to wear a seatbelt in the back of a moving car the holier than thou types are out in force condemning him for breaching the law in such a dangerous manner and claiming it shows that politicians think the laws they impose on the rest of us don’t apply to them.

No-one is tackling the reall issues that this raises.

First of all, adults should not be subject to compulsion in this way. Everyone has their own opinions and should be free to do as they please providing it harms no-one else. If the claim is that accidents will cost the NHS then not only i the NHS too expensive in terms of freedom of choice but this risk averse control should apply to those who climb mountans, swim in the sea or rivers, go down potholes or do anything that has even a hint of risk or danger about it.

Secondly Mr. Sunak should be pondering on another issue. He is surrounded by helpers and advisers. How is it that no-one pointed out that it might not be a good idea to post a video of the Prime Minister breaking the law? Someone owes Rishi some answers!

Thirdly, how did whoever recorded the video do so without removing their own seat belt? If they remained restrained then clearly they believed that they ought to do so, so how is it that they failed to mention this requirement to Mr. Sunak?

Conspiracy theorists might wonder if our Rishi was set up.

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Andrew Tate’s challenge to wokery is why he was so hated

What is Andrew Tate supposed to be guilty of? Sexual assault and exploitation?

Well we will probably never know the truth, but two of his “victims” have stated that they were there willingly and spoken out in public against the authorities for describing them as “victims”. They say that they have never seen either of the tates be aggressive or rude.

So what else has he done to upset the envious? Become wealthy? We all know how that incenses those on the left, but the real crime was to oppose wokery and fail to support the claim that girls and women are far superior to boys and men and should be in charge of every uneven relationship and promoted over and above anything remotely male

What Andrew Tate did that is so devastating for wokery was to give boys and young men back their pride in masculinity and their self belief. He gave them hope in a feminist world where they are at the bottom of the heap. He taught them not to be ashamed of who and what they were.

Andrew Tate challenged wokery and showed boys and young men that they didn’t have to act as doormats for women. That is why he had to be taken down and humiliated.

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Police have deliberately failed to control the eco-protests

People keep asking why the police have not used existing laws to deal with the anti-oil and other protests. They even ask if the police understand the law and how to use it.

Of course they do. The way any organisation gets more powers is to fail to use existing laws and let those breaching them run amok until people are so sick of it that they say nothing when government bring in new powers.

The police, local authorities, the RSPCA and other organisations all play the “BOO HOO. Our hands are tied. We need more laws and powers to be able to help the public” game.

They do it very well. Did you fall for it too? Now how about government giving them all a boot up the backside and ordering them to get on with it or they will be replaced instead of giving them the power boost they are demanding?

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Honesty: The best policy or just an insurance policy?

The issue with Joe Biden and his retained secret documents is not that he kept them. The issue is that the first batch were discovered just before the mid term elections and that discovery was not admitted until after the elections. when it could do no harm to Democratic prospects. Just like the issues over Hunter Biden’s laptop were not publicised until after the presidential election.

Honesty may be the best policy but only if the admission of wrongdoing is made while it still has the potential to harm. Delayed honesty is just an insurance policy against being accused of a cover up.

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